Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Two wheels better than four

Not that you could tell from all the bicycles streaming into downtown Mankato, but this is Bike to Work Week. The Twin Cities has truncated the event into Bike to Work Day on Thursday and includes some incentives like free breakfasts to discounted Twins tickets, even happy hour specials. I'm not sure an inebriated bicyclist weaving around in city traffic is a good idea but, hey, what do I know about life in the big city.
It's not really a special week (or day) for me. I've been bicycling to work since last June taking some time off during the winter because, frankly, I'm not that much of a fanatic.
At first I did it to get in some exercise following a not-so-subtle hint from my doctor. ("Hmm. Well, Jim, given these readings you are in the weight category we commonly refer to as 'obese.' But, you know, those BMI standards are pretty tough.")
Then my son bought my second car and now it's more out of necessity.
There's something very special about bicycling around Mankato. It's not the flattest place on the planet. To make it even more special I live in upper North Mankato. And, despite all my best efforts to find a reasonable alternative, there is no easy way to get home other than heavy pedaling up the 9% grade of Lee Boulevard.
Here are a few things I've learned while traveling this past year:
-- For the most part, motorists are pretty patient and give wide berth to bicyclists.
-- That said, those few motorists who don't see you or don't give the required three feet of clearance can scare the hell out of you. I bicycle as though every motorist is in this category.
-- Not every road in this town is constructed to accommodate bicyclists. That's counterproductive when city regs prohibit bicycling on sidewalks but pedaling in the streets can be hazardous.
-- I look like a real dork in a bicycling helmet. I'm still wearing it.
-- I've cut my gas purchases nearly in half. But I'm buying bigger bottles of Ibuprofen.
-- I lost 65 pounds. I'm off blood pressure medicine. My cholesterol is at 150.
Those are benefits I can live with.
If you'd like more information about bicycling in Minnesota, here's some DOT info on bicycling

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